Sept. 1, 2016
NBAA Leadership Council members will be among the first people in business aviation to learn how the election could affect their businesses, as they will be invited to a private webinar featuring an election-year briefing from NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen, as well as insights from policy experts representing the Republican and Democratic viewpoints.
The investment made by over 100 Leadership Council members ensures that advocacy efforts like the No Plane No Gain campaign continue to convey the industry’s value to policymakers and opinion leaders. For supporting NBAA’s advocacy mission, council members receive annually a series of political briefings from Bolen.
Dan Williams, vice president of aviation and global travel for Wal-Mart Stores, a council member, said the briefings help him “sort through all the rhetoric. Ed puts in context what’s going on in DC and translates that through an aviation lens that allows me to be more successful making the aviation decisions for my company.”
Don Wilson, president of council member Wilson Construction, said that Bolen’s briefings provide “absolutely critical” insight into political issues affecting aircraft operators. “[They] give us a very good under-standing of where we can, on a local level, help our politicians understand how important business aviation is,” said Wilson.