Feb. 10, 2014
Missouri Rep. Sam Graves (R-6-MO), who co-chairs the House General Aviation (GA) Caucus has been recognized in the Smithsonian Institution’s prestigious Air & Space magazine for his ardent advocacy of general aviation.
An article titled, “Aviation’s Man in Washington,” highlights the work of Graves, who co-chairs the House GA Caucus with Rep. John Barrow (D-12-GA). The caucus is a leading voice for GA and is one of the largest and most active caucuses in Congress. Last year, the GA Caucus achieved an important milestone by increasing its membership to more than half of the House of Representatives, demonstrating the wide scope of GA support among lawmakers.
“Congressman Sam Graves represents two groups: the citizens of Missouri’s 6th District and private pilots,” wrote Air & Space.
Graves, who is also member of the House Transportation Committee and its aviation subcommittee, has a long record of championing legislation that fosters GA growth and opposing proposals that would harm the industry. Graves has long been an opponent of per-flight user fees for general aviation; he has also focused on pilot and mechanic shortages, spending allocations for the Aviation Trust Fund, and controversial aircraft searches by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents. Read NBAA’s Five Questions with Rep. Graves.
A longtime pilot who grew up next to a small airport and was first elected to Congress in 2000, Graves represents a rural district that relies heavily on GA for economic development, health care and other vital services.
“We have doctors who come into the local hospital and use the airport because it’s much easier for them to get in, do their rounds, get back out and go to the next community,” Graves told NBAA in a 2011 video interview. View the full interview.
Graves works closely with GA industry groups, including NBAA, and was a keynote speaker at the 2013 NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA2013) in Las Vegas, NV.
Air & Space also noted that Graves helped found the Wing Nuts Flying Circus, an annual air show in his hometown of Tarkio, and he is restoring a World War II-era Beech AT-10 trainer plane.