Nov. 1, 2013
The FAA has issued a notice regarding the improper acceptance of RUUDY Four departures from Teterboro Airport (TEB) by aircraft not RNAV 1 capable.
The improper filing and acceptance of RUUDY Four departures (RNAV) at TEB by aircraft not RNAV 1 capable, has contributed to an unacceptable increase in lateral Pilot Deviations (PDs). Vertical PDs have also increased due to improper automation management and knowledge of Instrument Departure Procedures. The risk of a near mid air collision (NMAC) with arrivals at Newark Liberty Airport (KEWR) makes the precise navigation on departure, both laterally and vertically, critical.
View the Notice: Improper Use of Teterboro RNAV Departures – RUUDY FOUR
Teterboro Airport Flight Crew Briefing
Departure Procedures
Teterboro Ruudy Four Departure (239 KB, PDF)
Teterboro Eight Departure Page 1 (302 KB, PDF)
Teterboro Eight Departure Page 2 (385 KB, PDF)
For More Information
For more information, contact NBAA’s Dean Snell at