Operations Service Group Has Answers to NBAA Members’ Questions
NBAA’s Operations Service Group (OSG) is a valuable benefit that comes free with membership in the association. The knowledgeable staff gathers and organizes information for businesses needing quick, authoritative answers to questions about flying or managing aircraft.
Whether the question relates to operations in U.S. airspace or international operations, news on the latest general aviation security protocols, or a referral to an expert resource on aviation tax accounting, OSG staff are available to assist with members’ inquiries.
OSG personnel often can answer a question immediately over the phone, or by directing a member to the appropriate place on NBAA’s website. Other times, the OSG forwards questions to an expert on one of the association’s standing committees. In total, the OSG handles more than 2,500 calls and 3,500 emails a year.
Among the areas of interest routinely discussed with NBAA’s OSG staff are flight management and administration, government regulations (especially in the areas of interchange and time-share agreements, and how to legally structure a flight department) and tax issues (particularly federal excise and state sales taxes).
For established NBAA member companies, as well as those just getting started in business aviation, the OSG has the resources to help NBAA members find answers to their questions. Contact the OSG at 202-783-9250 or ops@nbaa.org.