August 28, 2013

A runway construction project at Trenton Mercer Airport (TTN) will begin on Sept. 9 and is expected to continue until Nov. 8, 2013. The project will result in the installation of engineered material arresting systems (EMAS) at both ends of Runway 6/24.

During the construction, the useable length of the runway will be shortened, certain approach and lighting equipment will be unavailable, and restrictions will be imposed on aircraft using the runway, related to approach speed, aircraft weight, and wingspan. Construction on both ends of the runway will be ongoing approximately 20 hours per day.

Airport Operations During Construction

Runway 16/34 will be the primary runway during runway 6/24 EMAS construction. Runway 16/34 is 4,800 feet long and 150 feet wide and is currently equipped with an engineered material arresting system.

Runway 6/24 will be reduced in length during this project by more than 750 feet from 6,006 feet. The MALSR, REIL Lights, PAPI lights, ILS, and RNAV (GPS) approaches for runway 6/24 will all be out of service during this construction. The airport control tower is normally open from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. local time. The CTAF frequency is 120.7. Operators are urged to use extra caution during this project.

Runway 6/24 will have the following declared distances:

  • Take Off Run Available (TORA): 5,246 Feet
  • Take Off Distance Available (TODA): 5,246 Feet
  • Accelerate Stop Distance Available (ASDA): 5,246 Feet
  • Landing Distance Available (LDA): 5,146 Feet

Prior Permission Required to Use Runway 6/24 During Construction

In the interests of safety during construction and in order to comply with FAA requirements during this project, it will be necessary to limit the use of runway 6/24. Runway 6/24 will be closed at all times to all aircraft with approach speeds greater than or equal to 121 knots and/or wingspan greater than or equal to 79 feet unless a written prior permission request is approved by airport operations 24 hours in advance.

This request in part will indicate that the operator of the aircraft is aware of:

  • The shortened runway
  • The declared distances
  • The construction in progress
  • The wind direction
  • Wind speed
  • Takeoff and landing weight of the aircraft
  • Availability of the alternative, runway 16/34, at 4,800 feet long by 150 feet wide, but has an operational necessity to use runway 6/24.

Obtaining Prior Permission to Use Runway 6/24 During Construction

Operators of aircraft with approach speeds greater than or equal to 121 knots and/or wingspan greater than or equal to 79 feet needing to use runway 6/24 during construction must download, complete and submit the Prior Permission Request at least 24 hours prior to airport operations.

Download the PPR request form to utilize runway 6/24 during construction.

The completed form must be emailed to airport operations at Approval will be dependent on evaluation of the submitted form, aircraft operational need, and status of airport runway construction.

For More Information

For more information about this issue, contact:

John Michael Walczak
Airport Operations And Safety Officer (OPS-1)
Trenton-Mercer Airport
1100 Terminal Circle Drive
Passenger Terminal Suite 301
West Trenton, NJ 08628
Administration Line 609-882-1601, Ext. 103
Fax Line 609-771-0732